tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/0 (kote-ax66-1 Te2/7)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/0.103 (QGPOP)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/0.853 (Internet2 via Pacific Wave vlan853)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/0.1045 (VLBI NICT kashima)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/0.1372 (tyo-crs1 vlan1372)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/0.1374 (osa-crs1 vlan1374)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/0.2335 (kote-mx80-2j xe-0/0/0.2335)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/1 (jm-e600 TenGig1/0:tagged)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/1.36 (tpr5 via jm-e600)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/1.297 (SINET Backup Peer)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/1.959 (jm-e600 Vlan959 to KEK)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/1.4005 (jm-e600 Vlan4005 to TEIN-JP(kote-dc-GM1/NII))
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2 (tyo-mx480 xe-0/3/3:tagged)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.2
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.6 (VLAN 6 BB Jumbo Frame)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.7 (Routers LAN segment)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.11 (APAN Taiwan(ASCC))
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.17 (LISP experiment)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.21 (NICT-NAG m7i-01 via NICT-GS4K)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.49 (AI3-KEIO Univ SFC#2)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.456 (NICT-NANV mejidrodai AS45688)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.1020 (Tsukuba-WAN via AIST and AIST GTRC)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.1036 (GenkaiXP via JGN-X)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.1160 (Tsukuba-WAN via JGN-X)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/2.1404 (NICT-NAG Otemachi Segment)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/3 (JGN kote-mx80-4)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - xe-0/0/3.0 (JGN-X AS17934)
tyo-t1600 - Non-Unicast Packets - |query_ifName| (|query_ifAlias|)